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Why We Need the Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act

A very interesting question: Which is more effective at preventing sex crimes, SORNA -or- the Maryland state registry (actually any state registry)?


On December 23, 2009, 11-year-old Sarah Haley Foxwell was snatched by a nighttime intruder from her home in Wicomico County, Maryland. That intruder was Thomas Leggs, Jr., a convicted sex offender. After brutally raping her, Leggs murdered Foxwell and deposited her burned and lifeless body in a field near the Maryland–Delaware border, where it Sarah was found on Christmas Day.1

Leggs, who was ultimately convicted of this heinous offense, was able to avoid scrutiny in Maryland because, although listed in Delaware’s registry as a “high-risk” sex offender, Leggs was deemed to be “compliant” in Maryland.

While it is impossible to say with any certainty, this tragic result might have been avoided had Maryland been in compliance with the Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act, which, despite strong public support, remains controversial.

..Source.. From: An Exchange Over The Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act (SORNA) by Andrew J. Harris, John G. Malcolm, Jill Levenson

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